10 girls from the Republic of Adygea, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and Krasnodar Territory took part in the International Festival-Competition "Circassian Girl" (Adyghe pshash). According to the results of competitive nominations, Milana Gubzhoko from the Krasnogvardeisky district of Adygea became the winner,- newspaper Sovetskaya Adygea reports.
The participants presented competitive videos in which each spoke about their hobby. The expert jury evaluated the knowledge of the native language, knowledge of one's family tree, as well as the history and culture of the Circassians. Among the competitive tests was the traditional Circassian dance. The participants also demonstrated the skill of needlework and cooking national dishes.
The winner of the festival-competition "Circassian Girl" - 2022 Milana Gubzhoko is a student of the Faculty of Law of the Adyghe State University.
- I have always dreamed of participating in this competition, and victory means a lot to me. My grandfathers instilled in me a love for the Adyghe Khabze. I am sure that until the end of my life I will observe Circassian (Adyghe) etiquette, keep traditions and try not to desecrate the title that I received today, - the winner of the competition Milana Gubzhoko said.
Zamira Beslanee from Kabardino-Balkaria took the second place in the festival-competition "Circassian Girl", the third place was taken by Dinara Soobtsoko from the Takhtamukay district of Adygea.

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