An encyclopedia "Circassian philosophy and culture" came out in Adygea


Ruslan Khanakhu with the encyclopedia - photo: sovetskaya-adygeya

What is the nature of the philosophy and culture of the Circassians (Adyghes)? This and much more can be learned from the recently released encyclopedic publication "Adyghe (Circassian) philosophy and culture."

The author is a major scientist in the field of philosophy, culture and sociology, professor, doctor of philosophical sciences, founder of the regional scientific school of social research Ruslan Khanakhu.

Before us is an original publication, in which the main basic elements of the philosophy and culture of the Circassians are first analyzed and comprehended for the first time. 

“Adyghe (Circassian) philosophy and culture” is designed for teachers, students of higher educational institutions, colleges, lyceums, gymnasiums, schools, as well as the widest circles of the intelligentsia and all those who are interested in Circassian (Adyghe) philosophy and culture.
