Up to 5 million people have emigrated from Russia over the past 20 years

Since 2000, up to 5 million citizens have emigrated from Russia. This is evidenced by the data of a study carried out by the "Takie Dela" portal together with a team of independent specialists. Their findings were published on Tuesday, October 5, on the resource "To be precise",- DW reports.

As the authors of the study note, the rate of emigration from Russia accelerated after 2011. And if in the early 2000s people left mainly for the states of Western Europe, then after 2014 many began to emigrate to the countries of the so-called near abroad.

In recent years, the study says, "the country has been losing 300,000 citizens annually." The real figures may be even higher, since Rosstat takes into account only those who are withdrawn from registration in Russia, but not everyone does this.

The study authors also interviewed 900 people who left Russia from 2000 to 2021. The most common reason for leaving was the desire for safety, which was stated by 64% of respondents. More than half of the respondents cited as the reasons the desire for new experience (59%), stability (53%), as well as dissatisfaction with the political situation in the Russian Federation (54%).
