In Adygea, the cartoon "Leo and Tig" was presented in the Circassian language


The National Library of the Republic of Adygea hosted a screening of the cartoon "Leo and Tig" (Leore Tigre) in the Circassian (Adyghe) language. The newspaper Soviet Adygea reports.

The event was attended by schoolchildren of the Adyghean republican gymnasium, public figures, representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Adygea. 

The animated series was presented by members of the ANO "Circassian Media Platform", who participated in the work on the translation.

Thanks to the voluntary financial support of subscribers in social networks, representatives of the Circassian Media Platform project received a license for two packages of cartoons.

The first includes 100 episodes of the animated series "Be-be-bears". Twenty of them have already been translated into the Circassian (Adyghe) language, the head of the ANO "Circassian Media Platform", a member of the Youth Parliament under the State Council - Khase of the Republic of Adygea Aidamir Tlekhuch, told "Soviet Adygea".

The second project of dubbing into the Adyghe language - "Leo and Tig" under the name "Сабыйхэм апай" ("For children") won the grant competition of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Adygea and is being implemented as part of grant support.

With these funds, Circassian Media Platform purchased editing and layout equipment for its recording studio. At the moment, 26 episodes of the animated series have been translated.
