
A hike on Mount Fisht - Republic of Adygea, Caucasus (video)

Elbrus resort in Kabardino-Balkria remains closed due to the threat of avalanches

More than 100 thousand tourists stayed in Adygea in the first half of the year

Adygea: Lagonaki and Guzeripl will be connected by a high-mountain road

Circassian homeland: The ski season on Elbrus will open on November 19

Tour route "3 gorges of Kabardino-Balkaria and Elbrus" received the status of "national"

Over the past 6 years, the tourist flow to Karachay-Circassia has doubled

The summer tourist season has ended in the Caucasian Reserve

About a million tourists rested in Kabardino-Balkaria in 9 months

More than 70% of rooms are occupied in Sochi hotels

6 places of the Circassian homeland in the top ten of medical tourism

Adygea-Sochi: The summer hiking season ends in the Caucasian Reserve

LagoNaki plateau - Republic of Adygea (photos)

Sakhrai River - Republic of Adygea (photos)

Rufabgo waterfalls - Republic of Adygea (photos)

Murat Kumpilov on the top of Oshten

Beaches on four lakes to be built in Kabardino-Balkaria

Caucasian Reserve opened part of the tourist route "Through the mountains to the sea"

The Circassian Cheese Festival will be held in August in the Adygea Mountains

Youth tourism is developing in Kabardino-Balkaria